

Optimizing Lower Extremity Exercise Interventions: An Evidence-Based Approach

Are you tired of using the same exercises in most of your lower extremity patient programs?  Do you want to both increase your understanding and implementation of lower extremity exercise programs and the level of care you give your patients?  Expand your understanding and repertoire of Lower Extremity exercise intervention with this one-day course. 


In this 1-day course, we create a framework for exercises that emphasize improving mobility of the LE joints, re-education of stabilizing muscles, and progressive overload to restore normal function in your patient.  You will leave this course with an abundance of new exercises to choose from along with a greater understanding of why and when to choose each. 


Give your lower extremity patients the effective exercise intervention they deserve after taking this class.  This is a lab-based course—please make sure to wear appropriate attire and keep moving during class!

2025 Dates Coming Soon!

At the completion of this course, participants will be able to…

  • Identify squatting and deadlifting mechanical impairments and give at least 1 exercise for the hips, knees, and ankles that will improve mechanics
  • Learn at least 5 exercises to incorporate for HEP to aid in pelvic stability and pelvic neutral alignment
  • Able to take a common injury or hip impairment and give at least 3 exercises with progressions and regressions with rationale
  • Apply current evidence-based exercise interventions to post-op protocols for common knee procedures
  • Assess foot stability in various functional activities and positions and give appropriate exercises to correct dysfunctions

At the completion of this course, participants will be able to…

  • Identify squatting and deadlifting mechanical impairments and give at least 1 exercise for the hips, knees, and ankles that will improve mechanics
  • Learn at least 5 exercises to incorporate for HEP to aid in pelvic stability and pelvic neutral alignment
  • Able to take a common injury or hip impairment and give at least 3 exercises with progressions and regressions with rationale
  • Apply current evidence-based exercise interventions to post-op protocols for common knee procedures
  • Assess foot stability in various functional activities and positions and give appropriate exercises to correct dysfunctions



Doors Open


Introduction and evidence-based literature review for LE’s


Lab: Pelvic mobility and strengthening exercises


Lab: Hip exercises for mobility and ROM


Lab: Hip stability, neuromuscular re-ed, progressive strengthening, squat and deadlifting form and corrections


Lab: Hip case studies for common conditions and post-operative patients




Lab: Knee exercises for mobility and ROM


Lab: Knee stability, neuromuscular re-ed, and progressive strengthening


Lab: Knee case studies for common conditions and post-operative patients


Lab: Foot/Ankle exercises for mobility and ROM stability, neuromuscular re-ed, and progressive strengthening


Lab: Foot/Ankle intrinsic stability, single limb stability, and strengthening


Lab/Wrap-up: Foot/Ankle case studies for common injuries and post-operative patients



2025 state approvals coming soon!

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