Comprehensive Treatment of the Knee

This course solves the question of “What else can I do when I feel like I’ve tried everything for my knee patient?” We teach an entirely different way to treat the knee, with an emphasis on manual therapy. Treatment techniques include joint mobilizations, meniscal mobilizations and myofascial/soft tissue releases, as well as how to customize each mobilization to different patients and issues. Plus, multiple taping techniques will be demonstrated and practiced for dysfunctions at the patella and the tibio-femoral joints. You’ll also learn how dysfunctions above and below the knee can cause symptoms at the knee joint itself. Come learn how to feel confident you’ve left no stone unturned to accurately diagnose the root of knee issues!


As with all our manual therapy courses, this course is at least 75% hands-on lab, and will give you skills you can use immediately upon returning to the clinic.

Dates and Locations

Saturday – Sunday

April 26-27, 2025

2 days, 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM

Rehab Specialists

1908 W Milham Ave
Portage, MI 49024

Approved for 16.5 CEUs in most states. Check state approval below.

Instructor: Scott Braje

$650.00 incl. Tax

Saturday – Sunday

November 8-9, 2025

2 days, 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM

Allied Physical Therapy

1469 SW 4th Terrace
Cape Coral, FL 33991

Approved for 16.5 CEUs in most states. Check state approval below.

Instructor: Scott Braje

$520.00 incl. Tax

Special Cape Coral, Florida Discount

At the completion of this seminar, the participant will be able to:

  • Correctly state 4 key anatomical structures and their application to joint mechanics, movement and dysfunction
  • State the 7 key treatment principles for joint mobilizations and 4 treatment principles for taping and orthotic therapy
  • Independently discuss 4 treatment concepts for myofascial release of the knee complex
  • State the key treatment concepts for strengthening and balance re-education as outlined in the course manual
  • Demonstrate each of the myofascial release techniques, joint mobilizations, taping and orthotic therapy techniques as well as each of the strengthening and balance re-education exercises as shown in the course manual with proficiency and skill

At the completion of this seminar, the participant will be able to:

  • Correctly state 4 key anatomical structures and their application to joint mechanics, movement and dysfunction
  • State the 7 key treatment principles for joint mobilizations and 4 treatment principles for taping and orthotic therapy
  • Independently discuss 4 treatment concepts for myofascial release of the knee complex
  • State the key treatment concepts for strengthening and balance re-education as outlined in the course manual
  • Demonstrate each of the myofascial release techniques, joint mobilizations, taping and orthotic therapy techniques as well as each of the strengthening and balance re-education exercises as shown in the course manual with proficiency and skill



Doors Open


Lecture: Introduction, Overview of Anatomy, Biomechanics, Mobilizations, Fascia, and Taping


Lecture: Meniscal Movements, Length-Tension Relationship Discussion, Infrapatellar Fat Pads, Functional Analysis of the Lower Extremity


Lunch (on your own)


Lab: Assessment and Palpation of the Knee Complex


Lab: Joint Mobilizations: Patella-Femoral, Tibio-Femoral, Proximal and Distal Tib-Fib, Talo-Crual, and Meniscal Mobilizations




Review of Evidence-Based Literature for Today’s Topics





Doors Open


Review and Discussion of Pull Pain vs Pinch Pain


Lab: Speed Mobilizations


Lab: Mobilizations and MET for the Pelvis


Lab: MFR


Lab: Taping of Patella


Lunch (on your own)


Lab: Taping of Patella (cont’d) Counterforce Bracing, Fat Pad Lifting, Proximal and Distal Tib-Fib, Modified Low-Dye


Case Studies




Review of Evidence-Based Literature for Today’s Topics



Approved for 16.5 hours for PTs and PTAs: AL, AK, AZ, AR, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, MD, MA, MI, MO, MT, NE, NH, NJ, NC, ND, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, UT, VT, VA, WA, WI, WY

Approved for 16 hours for OTs and OTAs: AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, FL, GA, ID, IN, IA, KS, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, NE, NV, NH, ND, OR, PA, SC, SD, TX, UT, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY

Approved for 16 Category A hours by the BOC for Athletic Trainers.

If you do not see your state listed above, please contact us at for more information.

Click here for the state and discipline approval list for all courses.

Course Instructors

Scott Braje


Scott graduated from Colorado State University in 1997 with a B.S. in Exercise and Sport Science, a Minor in Anatomy and Neurobiology, a concentration in Wellness Program Management, and an emphasis in Cardiac Rehabilitation. He then moved out to San Francisco and obtained his CSCS while interning under the (former) president of the National Strength and Conditioning Association while engaging in high level athletic performance training. Scott obtained his Masters in Physical Therapy from Andrews University in Dayton, OH in 2000 and has worked in outpatient orthopedic physical therapy clinics ever since.

Scott began working with Great Lakes in 2004, and, as consistent with Great Lakes philosophy, he uses a “test, treat, re-test” focus on each treatment to determine the proper course of action in achieving maximal results with each patient. He is presently the Clinic Director of the Physical Therapy Department at a multi-disciplinary Pain and Wellness Center in the North Shore of Boston.

MFR and Knee CEU course instructor headshot

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